If you’re budget-conscious and want to stay in an amazing location, check out the NEAT Hotel Avenida in Ponta Delgada!

Where Wanderlust Meets Wisdom
When planning a trip, what’s the number one thing you want to do? View the city’s landmarks and attractions? Or, explore every nook and cranny of the city in order to get a true sense of its culture and history? Many travelers overlook the benefits of staying in the city – exploring everything it has to offer.
City stays offer travelers a unique opportunity to explore a city’s culture, architecture and history in an intimate setting. Often, urban explorers enjoy going beyond what is typically seen or done by tourists. For some, it can be an adrenaline rush. For others, it can be a way to learn more about a city’s hidden gems.
There are many reasons why staying in a city is better than visiting its landmarks and attractions. Firstly, urban exploration allows for connections between people and places that cannot be made when visiting tourist sites. Secondly, staying in cities provides greater immersion into local cultures as opposed to traveling to them from afar. Finally, city visits often inspire creativity; something that is hard to come by when traveling outside of your country or state. So if you’re ever considering a trip abroad, think about whether or not city exploring is worth your time and money!
If you’re budget-conscious and want to stay in an amazing location, check out the NEAT Hotel Avenida in Ponta Delgada!
Discover the outstanding things you must see in Cairo as your start your bucket-list vacation in ancient Egypt.