Whether your cruise goes to Grenada, Aruba, Bonaire or anywhere else, a cruise ship is just like a small town or village. And if everyone wants the maximum benefit from their cruise holiday, it is essential to observe specific rules of social conduct. Here are seven rules of cruise etiquette that will help you and your fellow passengers to make the most of your vacation. These are good to know if you have never been on a cruise, and if you are a frequent cruiser, a reminder is always beneficial.
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1. Be Quiet:
Nowadays, some of the largest cruise ships are home to as many as three to six thousand people simultaneously. Being on a ship, these people are all living near you. You will start to acknowledge this number of people if you have been to the pool or lined up for a meal in the buffet restaurant. So please, keep the following noisy actions under control.
- Don’t slam your cabin door. It’s unnecessary and will disturb hundreds of passengers.
- Don’t yell across the ship at your traveling companions. Some ships have interactive medallions that can be used to locate or chat with traveling companions.
- Be cautious of your alcohol consumption, as excessive drinking increases the volume of conversations.

2. Be Respectable:
When you’re on board a cruise ship, it is standard cruise etiquette to make sure that you’re appropriately dressed. This means dressing smartly in public areas of the boat and not walking around wearing nothing. Bathing suits are to be seen only in the pool area; a cover-up is expected on the way there. Shorts are generally worn during the excursions and onboard the ship during daylight hours.
After the sun goes down, the trousers should come out for the men and the dresses and skirts for the ladies. Of course, this may seem a bit old-fashioned, but remember that the average age of a typical cruiser tends to be on the more mature side. Save the skimpy outfits for the beach!
As a rule, imagine that you were back home. If you wouldn’t dress in that manner to go to a restaurant or the casino, then don’t think you can get away with it just because you are on a cruise ship. Yes, I know it’s your temporary home, but it’s also the temporary home of several thousand others.
Also, remember that there will be many different nationalities and cultures on board who may have dramatically different views on what is and is not respectable. So, before your cruise, learn about the dress code and consistently follow it.

3. Be Sensible:
Even though you are on vacation and want a great time, please do not go crazy with the amount of food or drink you consume. Nobody likes a drunk, and nobody wants to see someone vomiting. Being under the influence can also be the root cause of accidents that could harm yourself or others. Furthermore, you will miss much of the enjoyment of your cruise if you spend your time feeling ill or in the ship hospital with a drink-related injury.

4. Be Considerate:
If you’re unhappy with a particular aspect of your cruise, take your complaint to the appropriate staff member and leave it there. Don’t spoil everyone else’s vacation by going on about everything irritating you.
So, your expectations haven’t been met! That’s no excuse to bore everyone with endless stories of how your toilet won’t flush, how your toast was cold three mornings ago, and how the weather isn’t as good as it should be. Register your complaint and let everyone else enjoy their holiday.
Reinhold Niebuhr once said –
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Consideration for others is one of the most important rules of cruise etiquette!

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Planning a cruise is made easy with this Cruise Planning Checklist Bundle. It has everything you need to keep you well organized. From Pre-planning to Budget Planning, Excursion Planning, and a variety of Checklists, you will have the tools to plan and enjoy your cruise.
5. Be Generous:
Did you know that many staff on cruise ships are minimally paid? According to Business Insider (2019), a cruise ship crew member for Carnival, Royal Caribbean, or Norwegian Cruise Line can earn an annual average between $16,000 to $20,000USD. Although these figures are a few years old and the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the cruise industry, I think it is safe to say that salaries are probably still on the lower side. After all, the lure of working on a cruise ship is for the travel, not necessarily the accumulation of wealth.
Nevertheless, the general idea is that the tips crew members receive from passengers will increase their income. So, if you receive excellent service, make sure you’re generous with your tips.

On many cruises, gratuities are automatically added to your onboard account. Despite this, that does not mean you cannot tip the people who have looked after you during your vacation. So, if you get good service from certain staff members, make sure you show your appreciation.
6. Be Discreet:
So, you have decided to book yourself on a cruise. The kids have gone, college is paid for, and now you have some money to spend on yourself. Travel, jewelry, clothing, and all the expenditures you have been putting off are now a reality. You’ve done well for yourself and got diamond-encrusted cufflinks, an anniversary band, and a wad of money to waste in the casino. Good for you!
But the whole ship doesn’t need to know about it.
Not only does it make you seem like an obnoxious swine, but if people see that you’ve got valuable possessions, you’ll attract the wrong type of attention. Oh yes, crime is the same at sea as on land, and human nature doesn’t change just because you step onto an ocean-going hotel. Criminal activity does not take a vacation just because you do. Proper cruise etiquette would use expensive accessories sparingly, and if you bring valuables onboard, be sure to use the in-cabin safe.
If you have never been on a cruise, check out my tips on How To Choose Your Cruise Ship or get some answers to First Time Cruise Questions.
7. Be Patient:
It is important to be laid back and patient to enjoy life on most cruise ships. After all, there are several thousand people on board. Tempers can flare at certain times of the day over some of the simplest activities and tasks.
For example, getting access to the lifts can be a potential flashpoint at certain times of the day. You’d be amazed at the number of nasty scenes arising from people waiting to use the lifts, especially when they’re going to eat or see a show. Heading down after a day on the sundeck can also see an overabundance of people waiting for the lift.

The bottom line is- learn to be patient and accept waiting for your turn. If you’re able, why not walk off some of the gourmet food and take the stairs?
Getting on and off the ship can be another source of stress. Most excursions are timed, so there is always a rush to be the first off. No one wants to be the last to get on the bus. “Hurry up and wait,” they say.
Learning how to be patient is an essential rule of proper cruise etiquette.
Besides, you’re on vacation; what’s the great rush?
Can you think of other cruise etiquette rules that should be reviewed before going on a cruise?
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Great tips! Though they may seem obvious, some people need to be reminded of these things!
Thanks. Yes, having just finished another cruise I was reminded of this again. Some people just do not know how to behave.