When planning a trip to Canada, most people consider Niagara Falls as a destination. But can Niagara Falls be enjoyed in the winter as well?

Where Wanderlust Meets Wisdom
If you are looking for travel planning information on Canada, I can provide some insight into a vacation in Canada.
British Columbia and Alberta offer rugged beauty and supreme lakes attracting skiers, hikers, and camper alike.
The eastern provinces of New Brunswick, Nova scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland offer an old-world charm. Cultural history of Irish, French, and Aboriginal heritage is evident.
Saskatchewan and Manitoba comprise the central prairies and are considered the breadbasket of the country. They have mostly farming related activities.
Canada’s Great White North is a growing tourist region offering a glimpse into the Nation’s ancestral roots with the history on the Inuit.
Ontario and Quebec are the most populated regions and contain many tourist destinations. Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City offer plenty of attractions, outdoor activities, and cultural events to satisfy almost everyone’s taste.
When planning a trip to Canada, most people consider Niagara Falls as a destination. But can Niagara Falls be enjoyed in the winter as well?
Ottawa has its share of the usual attractions, activities, and experiences. But did you know that Ottawa has several unique activities?
Discover the best route from Ottawa for a fantastic 3-day itinerary to Prince Edward County. Prince Edward County boasts wineries, cideries, bird sanctuaries, and other things to do to enjoy the perfect weekend escape.
Camping provides outdoor adventure, exploration, and fun. But you need a camping checklist to ensure that you have packed essential items.
Camping in Ontario provides outdoor adventure, exploration, fitness, and fun. Camping is just a few clicks away, even for a beginner.
Morrisburg offers many family attractions and activities but if you are looking for something unique, stay at the cottage with the sod roof.